IT, Telecom & Data
Energy & Utilities
Industry & Offshore
Housing &
City planning
Offices & Retail
Accommodations &
Logistics &

Our Lawyers

HabrakenRutten is without a doubt the number one law firm in the Netherlands that focuses exclusively on built assets in the infrastructure, real estate, energy sectors and tech. Be it on terra firma, like buildings, roads and rolling stock or floating, like offshore rigs, platforms or ships.
Having advised on nearly every significant project in the Netherlands in the past twenty years, we know all the best practices and have helped shaping them. Every one of us is fascinated with the complexity, tangibility and relevance of built assets, something we consider a prerequisite to working at HabrakenRutten.
We are aware that the difference between profit and loss is in the details. Risk mitigation, dispute prevention and early resolution of conflicts, often on a "real-time" basis, are fundamental to our advice. When it has been necessary, we have represented the full spectrum of industry players in major litigations and arbitrations.
Our clients value the depth of expertise and the wealth of experience that we have in their sector. We know like few others what the needs of its stake holders are. It is our firm belief that our clients are best served by dedicated lawyers who do nothing but serve these sectors.
HabrakenRutten has been crowned ‘European Specialist Law Firm of the year’ in 2023 by The Lawyer.
Career opportunities
We are a boutique law firm with the ambition of staying at the top of our field advising on built assets in the infrastructure, real estate, energy sectors and tech. If you are as enthusiastic as we are about engineering, technology and machines and want to be part of advising on high-stake projects and contentious issues for clients in these sectors, then we would love to hear from you. Send us an application at werkenbij@habrakenrutten.com.

Gustav Mahlerplein 70
T: +31 (0)88 374 4900
F: +31 (0)88 374 4910

Company information
Corporate (KvK) registration: 64781267
Tax registration: 855839090B01
Stichting Beheer Derdengelden
Habraken Rutten Advocaten
Account number:
IBAN: NL29ABNA0518322254