Accommodations & leisure

Clients in this sector need an experienced, guiding hand to ensure the needs of all stakeholders are met, that all conflicts are prevented or resolved and that issues are handled in a timely and cost-effective manner. We possess experience in the entire spectrum of (public) accommodations and leisure projects.
Integral developments of large-scale accommodations with specialised functions requires expertise in sometimes complex niches, such as hospitals, science parks and laboratories with ‘clean rooms’ or innovative penitentiary institutions using leading-edge technology. We have also advised projects with ground-breaking civil and installation technology, such as realising one of Europe’s largest animal attraction parks with the biggest indoor climatized hall in the world.
Landmark Performing Arts Centre
Renegotiating and litigating the D&C contract for the landmark performing arts centre Amare in The Hague
Design and construction of one of the largest datacentres for a global information and technology company near Eemshaven
NATO Complex
Expansion and refurbishment of the NATO Communications and Information Agency complex near The Hague
Amsterdam Y-Towers hotel and residential
Advising on and drafting of all contract documentation for the innovative installation works on the eye-catching new Maritim Hotel, right opposite the Amsterdam Central Station, on the Y embankment.